
The Questions app is concerned with persisting research questions and articles to the database and retrieving research questions that correspond to current dimension selections.


class msgvis.apps.questions.models.Article(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A published research article.

year = None

The publication year for the article.

authors = None

A plain-text author list.

A url to the article.

title = None

The title of the article.

venue = None

The venue where the article was published.

class msgvis.apps.questions.models.Question(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A research question from an Article. May be associated with a number of DimensionKey objects.


The source article for the question.

text = None

The text of the question.


A set of dimensions related to the question.

classmethod get_sample_questions(*dimension_list)[source]

Given dimensions, return sample research questions.

class msgvis.apps.questions.models.QuestionDimensionConnection(id, question_id, dimension_id, count)[source]